School fees

See below for Banking Details.

2024 School fees

Please take note of the following information: School fees increase annually by 10%

The registration fee is R200 (Non-refundable). 

Fee for January 2024 is R2700 and is payable before or on the day school starts.

Fees for February to November 2024 are R3000 per month.

Fee for December 2024 is R2700.

We offer a 10% discount for siblings.

Termination of enrolment one month notice in advance.

NB: school fees are still due if a child is absent during the holidays 

2025 School fees

Please take note of the following information: School fees increase annually by 10%

The registration fee is R300 (Non-refundable).

Fee for January 2025 is R2700 and is payable before or on the day school starts.

Fees for February to November 2025 are R3000 per month.

Fee for December 2025 is R2700.

We offer a 10% discount for siblings.

Termination of enrolment one month notice in advance.

NB: school fees are still due if a child is absent during the holidays 

Our banking Details

  • Bank: Standard Bank
  • Name: Kiddies College Preschool
  • Acc. No. 270619798
  • Reference: (Full name of your child/ren)

NB: Preferred method of payment: Direct deposit, EFT, Stop Order.

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